
Videos of Trips to Off-Season Tournaments

Lacrosse Tournament - 3-6 November 2023 - Midlothian, Virginia

The President's and the Debut Cups (Lacrosse) - 17-19 November 2023 - Bradenton, Florida

And The Shooting Stars Tournament (Field Hockey) - 24-26 November 2023 - Richmond, Virginia


The Sunshine Showcase Field Hockey Tournament - 26-28 January 2024 - Orlando, Florida


LAX America Tournament - 7-9 June 2024 - Hilliard (near Columbus), Ohio


The Grail and Mid-America Lacrosse Tournaments - 28-30 June 2024 - Westfield (near Indianapolis), Indiana


The NEXUS U14 Tournament (Field Hockey) - 6-8 July 2024 - Virginia Beach, Virginia

2022 NFHS Girls Lacrosse Rules Interpretation

The following video and powerpoint is provided as a supplement for the in-person clinic presented by the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board for umpires and coaches.  The 2022 Girls Lacrosse Rules and Q&A from LAXCON 2022 is also provided here:  Download 2022-Girls-NFHS-Rules-Interp

Online Training for the 2021 Season

The Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board (KLUB) is tasked by US Lacrosse to provide training that will lead to certification as a US Lacrosse Girls' Umpire in Kentucky.  First, KLUB has provided new umpire orientation and all umpire training throuogh ZOOM meetings.  These meetings have taken place, but the recordings of these meeting may be viewed here (please excuse the poor video and narration quality (coughing due to COVID):
If you wish to have the PowerPoint presentation files they are available here as well:
The US Lacrosse Girls' Umpires online training courses are being used this year for KLUB training.  Umpires have until the end of the month to complete their specific track and pass the test.  First or second year official will need to take the Level 1 Track.  All others must take the Level 2/3 track.  All Umpires will need to take the online rules course, the five or six courses included with each track, the HS as well as the Youth rules interpretations courses, and the 2021 Girls Youth and High School Rules Exam (only one exam). For most it has been nearly two years since any of us have had games so it is vital to watch and take in as much as you can.
If you have any issues with logging in or your courses the number to call at US Lacrosse is: 410-235-6882, x102 (member services).
Rating Day will be February 28 at Sacred Heart Academy in Louisville.  Hopefully, KLUB will conduct ratings (field evaluations) on the two grass fields (the smaller Brescia grass fields used for Braveheart).  If weather is an issue ratings (field evaluations) will be on the turf field.  We are going to attempt to possibly have one field worked by a 3-person crew with the other one a 2-person crew.
For those taking the Level 2/3 track there is an online course on 3-person crew mechanics.  Level 2 and Level 3 umpires must be familiar with 3 person crew mechanics, because these umpires will have the opportunity to attempt a Level 3 rating.
If anyone has any restrictions for February 28 let Chris Niblock (see contact information below) know ASAP!
6a00d835795ab169e201bb0a052219970dHere is how to get to your video tracks:
  • Go to
  • Log in
  • Go to the hamburger in the upper left and pull that down.
  • Go to eLearning
  • That will take you to the eLearning site.  There is a "rotating menu" across the top above the usual entries of "Catalogue" "Resume Courses" etc.
  • On the rotating menu there is "Girls Lacrosse Officials" with a picture and lots of information.  Click on that.
  • This takes you to the Rules Exams.
  • On the upper right hand corner there are some tags.  Click on "#2021 ODPLearning"
  • Then click on "Officials"
  • Then click on "3 - Women's Game Officials"
  • Then choose either Level 1 or Level 2/3 as instructed

US Lacrosse has assured KLUB that attendance reports for individual videos can be reported to KLUB.  KLUB leadership will ask for this report.

Here are the direct links - you still have to log in.
  • The online rules course
  • The learning courses for that track
  • The annual rules interpretation videos
  • The required exam (combined Girls Youth and High School Rules Exam)
Need help?  Contact ...
  • Chris Niblock (502.295.8701) - USL Level 3 and College umpire; KSSL assignor; KLUB Training and Rating Coordinator; USL certified Trainer, Observer, and Assignor
  • John Slider (502.548.9712 or 502.231.8118)  USL Level 3 umpire; CL assignor; KY Officials Development Coordinator; USL Officials Education Development Team; USL certified Trainer, Observer, and Assignor

Parent and Player Introduction to Girls' Lacrosse for 2021

This video provides an introduction to the game of High School Girls' Lacrosse for spectators.  The target audiences are parents of players, High School players, and persons interested in becoming Girls' Lacrosse umpires.  A PowerPoint presentation is also provided for those who wish to use it in a classroom setting.

2020 US Lacrosse Training Videos

2020 NFHS Girls' Rules Interpretation Video

NFHS Girls' Rules Changes Webinar - 2020

2020 Youth Girls’ Rules Interpretations

Girls’ & Women’s Headgear Info

US Lacrosse Stick Check Video

A Closer Look at Shooting Space

Legal and Illegal Contact

Game Management Webinar

Preparing for Playoffs - Three Person System Review

Murphy's Laws for Sports Officials

A Comprehensive Training Process Designed to Produce Consistency for Girls' Lacrosse Umpires

LAX Signal 1 NeutralConsistency in officiating is a primary "demand" in all sports.  Sports officials should strive to be consistent for the sake of coaches, players, and spectators.

SliderLAX has produced a comprehensive training process designed to produce a consistent "product" on the field by Girls' Lacrosse Umpires.

The promotional video is available below.  Manuals, Powerpoint Presentations, and Videos are available on this website. 

A Resource for Girls' Lacrosse Spectators

Spectator OrientationIf you are a spectator of Girls' Lacrosse and do not understand the game, there is a resource for you - Girls' Lacrosse Spectator Orientation.  This brief Manual and Powerpoint Presentation are designed for short in-person Parent/Player clinics or for reading on your own.  The Video based on the Powerpoint Presentation is found below on this post.

Easy-Carry Spectator BookletAnother resource is the Easy Carry Girls' Lacrosse Spectator Booklet.

The Manual may be ordered or previewed at by following this LINK.  The booklet may be ordered or previewed at by following this LINK.  

You may also download the file in pdf format:

You may find that ordering the Manual and Booklet through is less expensive and provides a better presentation.  You will receive the eBook Kindle format free.

Girls' Lacrosse Spectator Orientation Video: