
2020 US Lacrosse Training Videos

2020 NFHS Girls' Rules Interpretation Video

NFHS Girls' Rules Changes Webinar - 2020

2020 Youth Girls’ Rules Interpretations

Girls’ & Women’s Headgear Info

US Lacrosse Stick Check Video

A Closer Look at Shooting Space

Legal and Illegal Contact

Game Management Webinar

Preparing for Playoffs - Three Person System Review

Murphy's Laws for Sports Officials

2020 Umpire Training Dates Set

KSLL Final
Training and Rating dates have been set for 2020 for the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board: 

18-Jan Saturday   New Umpire - Louisville  
19-Jan Sunday 9:00 - 12:00 New Umpire - Lexington Sayre
25-Jan Saturday 9:00 - 1:00 All Umpire Rules - Lexington Georgetown
26-Jan Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 All Umpire Rules - Louisville SHA
15-Feb Saturday 9:00 - 1:00 All Umpire Rules and Business Georgetown
22-Feb Saturday   Rating Louisville - L1+ ???
22-Feb Saturday 9:00 - 3:00 Rating Lexington - All Georgetown
29-Feb Saturday   Rating Louisville - New ???

Kentucky Umpire Joins US Lacrosse Women's Officials Education Development Team

John Wesley Slider (1)Kentucky Women's Umpire, John Slider, has been invited to participate in the US Lacrosse Women's Officials Education Development Team.  The team involves US Lacrosse Officials Development staff members, Charlie Obermayer (Senior Manager, Officials Development), Liz Brush (Manager of Officials Development Operations), and Jenn Larkin (Manager of Officials Development Content and Curriculum).  The team functions as a part of the Content and Curriculum area.

The eight-member team is chaired by Coleen Spiegelhoff.

The team will be working with all aspects of the curriculum for education of women's umpires.

The team is divided into ten working groups of two to four persons with each member of the team on multiple groups.  John will be involved in three working groups that will focus on revising the Certified Observers On-Line Course; revising the Certified Observers Webinar; and updating the Officials Training Manual for 2020.

John will continue to serve as the Women's Game, Kentucky Coordinator, Officials Development, US Lacrosse.

Requirements for New Umpires

US Lacrosse LogoWhat are the basic requirements needed before a new umpire is USL certified and works a game?

  • Classroom Training: Learn the rules, mechanics, penalty administration, positioning, etc
  • Online Course: Rules Online Course is Mandatory (one time)
  • Annual Rules Exams: NFHS High School and USL Youth exams
  • On Field Training and Evaluation (Rating) - MUST include participants officiating live games

The USL certification process provides the necessary minimum preparation for working games as well as appropriate liability and injury insurance.

For more information contact the KLUB Recruiting Coordinator or the Officials Development Coordinator, John Slider.

A Summary of Rules Changes for High School Girls Lacrosse in 2020

KSLL Final
US Lacrosse LogoSignificant changes in the rules for Girls Lacrosse in High School are coming in 2020.  The rules changes were recommended by the joint National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and US Lacrosse (USL) Girls’ Lacrosse Rules Committee, and subsequently approved by both the NFHS and USL boards of directors.

USL and NFHS both released advance summaries of all changes on 23 July 2019.


The allowance for free movement by players on a whistle or stoppage of play is the most significant rule change for high school girls’ lacrosse in 2020, and one of 12 rules changes approved for high school girls’ lacrosse, effective January 1, 2020.

Free movement allows players to move freely around the playing field, instead of being required to hold their positions on stoppages. The primary intent of the rule change is to improve the pace of play, and allows for a less restrictive experience for the athletes.

The change to free movement impacts several areas of the NFHS/USL Rules Book. The change has an impact on rules 4.2.3, 4.3.3, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.3.1, 6.3.1, and 10.1.


Rule 4-3-3 will change to allow players to be substituted for during a possession time-out, except for the player being awarded the ball and the offender.


To limit potentially dangerous play in the critical scoring area and allow for consistent administration of the free position, a major foul between the 12 and the 8 will now be administered as a free position taken on the 12-meter fan closest to the spot of the foul. This is a change to rule 10.1.

However, when a stoppage in play causes the ball to become dead that was in the critical scoring area, rules 4.3.3, 5.1.3, 5.3.1 and 7.3 PENALTY now indicate play will resume on the closet dot.

[EDITOR"S NOTE:  Initially, these two changes seem to be in conflict. However, rule 4.3.3 addresses time out; 5.1.3 addresses indirect free positions; 5.3.1 addresses major and minor foul penalty administration; 7.3 PENALTY addresses penalty administration for Goal Circle violations.  Please watch for further clarifications.]


Self-starting when self-start is not an option is now considered a major foul in rule 10.1 under false starts.


Under major fouls in rule 10.1, a check to the neck is now included under check to the head with a mandatory card assessed.


In a change to Rule 9.1, the description of the minor foul, covering, is now described as covering a ground ball, instead of guarding. Additionally, preventing an opponent from playing the ball by covering the ball with the body now constitutes a minor foul. Previously, using a foot or crosse to guard a ground ball was a minor field foul.


Rule 5.4.4 has been amended to allow self-starts on boundary restarts. On boundary restarts, opponents must give the player in possession of the ball at least two meters — an additional meter from the previous requirement (Rule 6.3.1b).

A change to Rule 6.3.2 clarifies that a player’s body or crosse that is inbounds and nearest to the ball when it goes out of bounds on a shot on goal determines possession of the ball when play resumes.


Rule 5.2.2 was amended to allow any number, up to 12 players from each team, on the field prior to the start of each draw. Prior to the change, each team was required to have 12 players on the field unless a team could not do so legally.


There are changes to Rules 2.2.5 and 2.4.3 to amend crosse and stick requirements. A crosse now meets specifications if the ball moves freely in the front of the pocket, removing the requirement for the back of the pocket. During stick checks, game officials will ensure that the ball rolls out of the back of the pocket when placed in the upper third of the head at its widest point and the stick and head are tilted 90 degrees. This rule helps limit the on field check requirements for the back of the pocket to those issues only related to performance. 


For eyewear, the SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) mark for certification must be on the equipment by January 1, 2025. Eyewear must still be SEI certified for the 2020 season (rule 2.7.2), but the requirement for a physical mark on the eyewear does not take effect until 2025. All approved eyewear is listed on the SEI website at


In a change to Rule 2.7.4, equipment cannot be modified from its original manufactured state and it must be worn in the manner the manufacturer intended.


Rule 2.8.4 now prohibits the use of video replay to review an official’s decision, consistent with other NFHS rules.

Resources for Umpires

John SliderHere are several resources for 2019 for the Women's Lacrosse Game:

The USL Youth Rules Test and the NFHS Rules Test is now online.  Please read the instructions. Directions for accessing tests:

  1. Go to ArbiterSports
  2. Log In
  3. Click on US Lacrosse Central Hub.  This will take you to ...
  4. US Lacrosse Officials (or you may start here)
  5. Scroll down and click on the button "Officials Development Program"
  6. Scroll down and click on the button "Take a Test"
  7. At this point, you will need to sign on (User Name and Password)
  8. Click on "Catalog"
  9. Click on "Officials"
  10. Click on "Annual Rules Exam"
  11. Make certain that you take the two girls exams

There may be an easier path, but this is how I find it!


A Comprehensive Training Process Designed to Produce Consistency for Girls' Lacrosse Umpires

LAX Signal 1 NeutralConsistency in officiating is a primary "demand" in all sports.  Sports officials should strive to be consistent for the sake of coaches, players, and spectators.

SliderLAX has produced a comprehensive training process designed to produce a consistent "product" on the field by Girls' Lacrosse Umpires.

The promotional video is available below.  Manuals, Powerpoint Presentations, and Videos are available on this website. 

2018 Girls Lacrosse Signals for Umpires

LAX Signal 1 Neutral
The following videos present the signals used by umpires to communicate during games.

Signals for Minor Fouls (4 minutes)  

Signals for Major Fouls (4 minutes) 

Signals for Violations (2 and 1/2 minutes) 

Signals for Game Management (2 and 1/2 minutes) 

Signals for Crew Communication (2 minutes)