Officials Development, State Coordinator, US Lacrosse

I am pleased to announce that I have been named as the Women's Game Kentucky State Coordinator, Officials Development, for US Lacrosse.
US Lacrosse Officials Development State Coordinators serve as the primary liaison for their state in connection with US Lacrosse. They will primarily assist with gathering and providing information to and from the Local Officiating Organizations, Certified Trainers, Observers and Assignors in their state throughout the year. They will work with US Lacrosse staff and the Region Coordinator directly to help identify areas of strength, need and opportunity for officials development throughout their state.
The State Coordinators specific duties are:
- Assist with the selection and facilitation of Certified Trainers and Observers within their region.
- Provide expertise, advice and direction to the Local Officiating Organizations to assist with the overall development of officials and officiating leadership in their area.
- Communicate and coordinate directly with US Lacrosse Regional Development and Officials Development Staff to provide information and support for officiating needs.
- Identify up and coming officials and those experiencing difficulty in developing to differentiate support as needed.
- Deliver timely and relevant communications, education, certification, programs and support to the officiating communities within their state.
- Participate in monthly conference calls with the Region Coordinators and other leaders in their region.
- Complete an annual assessment report on their state.
Fortunately, I shall be able to maintain my involvement as a Women's Game Umpire in Kentucky. Unfortunately, In order to avoid any appearance of conflict, I am required to resign my position as Vice-Chairperson/Chairperson-elect with the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board.
I have communicated both my acceptance of this position and my resignation to the KLUB Executive Committee in the letters attached below.
I look forward to being of greater service to the Women's Lacrosse community in the future.
- Announcement Letter: Download State Coordinator Intro Announcement Letter
- Resignation Letter: Download Resignation KLUB Vice-Chair
- John Slider