

Sports fanThe guidance given by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association regarding expectations for the behavior of fans, spectators, and assistant coaches is a very good standard for Girls Lacrosse for the upcoming season.  This presentation follows the National Federation of High School's rules for Girls Lacrosse and other sports.  It is the standard that we should follow for 2024 - especially since Girls Lacrosse in Kentucky anticipates entering the KHSAA "family" for the 2024 season.  It is also appropriate that Girls Lacrosse be consistent with the standards and rules for all sports in the high schools in Kentucky.

Every Girls Lacrosse umpire assigned to High School and Middle School preseason, regular season, and postseason games in Kentucky is required  to review the KHSAA presentation by Julian Tacket, the head commissioner of the KHSAA, regarding sportsmanship - specifically contained in slides #14 and #15.  This link will be shared with the two commissioners of the leagues in Kentucky - the Commonwealth League and the Kentucky Scholastic Lacrosse League. Viewing these slides will take no more than 5 minutes. Read the rule regarding MISCONDUCT (Rule #12) in the 2024 NFHS Girls Lacrosse Rules Book.

In addition, there is an interesting video that has circulated on FaceBook concerning the high standard officials should be upholding for spectators.  This link is found below.

The Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board must start the process toward demanding appropriate behavior from spectators, players, coaches, and bench personnel.  This process will start with Umpires insisting on and enforcing appropriate and respectful behavior in accordance with the NFHS rules from ASSISTANT COACHES.  Spectators will often mimic the behavior of head and assistant coaches.  Strict enforcement of the rules for assistant coaches will have a ripple effect on spectators.  Here are some constructive instructions for this season:

  • Do not accept any questions or comments from assistant coaches.  If you cannot ignore the questions or comments, then card the head coach.
  • If an assistant coach is misbehaving, yellow card the head coach.  For the second infraction by an assistant coach, red card the head coach.  By NFHS rule the only way to remove the misbehaving assistant is to red card the head coach, then both are removed from the game.
  • If spectators are misbehaving, stop the game and have the game manager deal with the problem.  If the problem persists, have the spectator removed.  You may pause the game or stop the game completely if spectators become unruly.
  • The NFHS rules for Girls Lacrosse hold the head coach responsible for her or his spectators' behavior.  If the problem still persists, card the head coach.
  • AFTER THE GAME, the only card that carries any consequences is a red card.  If there is any misconduct from spectators, players, or coaches after the game, RED CARD THE PLAYER OR THE HEAD COACH.
  • Accept no personal comments about your judgement, abilities, or appearance from any source before, during, and after the game.
  • Both leagues follow the KHSAA in having ZERO TOLERANCE FOR RACIAL, OBSCENE, OR DEMEANING LANGUAGE directed toward any game participant - official, player, or coach.  If you observe words and identify an individual on the field using inappropriate language, the person should at a minimum receive a yellow card.  Such language from the bench need only be heard and a card issued against the head coach.
  • Officials should not use racial, obsence, or demeaning language.
  • Officials must show appropriate respect to players, spectators, coaches, and their partners on specific games or on games of any sport they are watching. Conversations between officials are not to be shared with ANYONE with the exception of investigations by the rules interpreter of complaints about specific games or conduct.
  • Access the 2023 KHSAA slides here.
  • 📸 Watch the NFHS video on Facebook CLICK HERE
  • Download Training Rule 12 Misconduct PPT
What Is Misconduct Chart
Coach Bench Spectator Misconduct


HomerCOACHES! As you know, there are usually barely enough officials to cover the number of games in our leagues in Kentucky.  Additionally, locally and nationally there has been a HUGE decline in the number of available officials and fewer officials seeking to join the "team."  In order to fulfill the basic number of games and to be able to address the needs of tournaments, make-up games and add ons, WE NEED MORE OFFICIALS! Download KY LAX OFFICIALS FLYER
The Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board (KLUB) is working to provide more training opportunities and broaden our reach to seek out new officials. We are contacting various organizations and others to try to grow our list of officials.  
First, we want to challenge each team to submit 2 names to go through NEW OFFICIALS ORIENTATION/TRAINING.  THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE TEAM PROVIDING THE MOST PROSPECTS.
Here is the New Officials Checklist that you are welcome to share with people and to help get new officials started.  Download NEW OFFICIALS CHECKLIST 2023. While current players may be helpful at the MS game, we are really looking to grow the potential HS Officials. 
So, who is a good candidate to officiate HS GIRLS LACROSSE? 
  • Graduated Former HS Girls Lacrosse players - college or post college students who no longer play for a local team
  • Parents of graduates or current players 
  • Teachers at your affiliated schools
  • AD Contacts - Do your ADs know officials in other sports or other sports parents who may be interested?
  • Other sports league officials - church league officials, non-school affiliated players/parents/officials for other sports, collegiate intramural players/coaches?
Please send your list of prospects (name, phone and email) and any info you can provide about each person to John Slider.  We will evaluate the number of names/people who attended training for each school. A prize will be given at the Rules Interpretation meeting in January or February to the team who has the most prospective HS officials who completed the NEW OFFICIALS ORIENTATION.    We welcome current HS players to go through the training, but recognize that they have game and school constraints that may limit their availability during the spring season.
Please evaluate your coaching style, behavior, language and tone during games and communications with officials before and after games.  NFHS and NASO (National Association of Sports Officials) have released several studies and articles regarding the rapid decrease in the number of officials. (Download Officials Retention Survey) One of the biggest reasons officials leave the sport or don't continue to higher levels is because of the team bench and spectator behavior. This is a BIG reminder for all coaches to evaluate their own behavior as well as the behavior of their bench personnel and parents.  Officials understand that occasionally people get emotional, but personal attacks, repeated situations of questioning of calls and hostile tone, criticism, or harassment will make officials NOT come back to your field or games.  Officials have a right to DECLINE any games they are assigned and THEY ARE DECLINING games due to the behavior of Kentucky coaches and spectators. Please hold each other and yourself accountable.  Our officials put in a lot of time training and preparing for your season.  But, just like you and your players, people are not always perfect and each game is a learning process for everyone involved.  Be respectful of the officials' time and effort.  Please feel free to reach out to John Slider if you would like some assistance on appropriate communications with officials.

USA Lacrosse 2022 Women's Game Officials Training Manual

USAL Manual 2022
The USA Lacrosse 2022 Women's Game Officials Training Manual is required reading for officials and highly recommended reading for coaches.  The manual is now available using this link: Download 2022 USAL Womens Game Officials Training Manual

Parent and Player Introduction to Girls' Lacrosse for 2021

This video provides an introduction to the game of High School Girls' Lacrosse for spectators.  The target audiences are parents of players, High School players, and persons interested in becoming Girls' Lacrosse umpires.  A PowerPoint presentation is also provided for those who wish to use it in a classroom setting.

A Comprehensive Training Process Designed to Produce Consistency for Girls' Lacrosse Umpires

LAX Signal 1 NeutralConsistency in officiating is a primary "demand" in all sports.  Sports officials should strive to be consistent for the sake of coaches, players, and spectators.

SliderLAX has produced a comprehensive training process designed to produce a consistent "product" on the field by Girls' Lacrosse Umpires.

The promotional video is available below.  Manuals, Powerpoint Presentations, and Videos are available on this website. 

A Resource for Girls' Lacrosse Spectators

Spectator OrientationIf you are a spectator of Girls' Lacrosse and do not understand the game, there is a resource for you - Girls' Lacrosse Spectator Orientation.  This brief Manual and Powerpoint Presentation are designed for short in-person Parent/Player clinics or for reading on your own.  The Video based on the Powerpoint Presentation is found below on this post.

Easy-Carry Spectator BookletAnother resource is the Easy Carry Girls' Lacrosse Spectator Booklet.

The Manual may be ordered or previewed at Amazon.com by following this LINK.  The booklet may be ordered or previewed at Amazon.com by following this LINK.  

You may also download the file in pdf format:

You may find that ordering the Manual and Booklet through Amazon.com is less expensive and provides a better presentation.  You will receive the eBook Kindle format free.

Girls' Lacrosse Spectator Orientation Video: