
Signals 2025

Signals are an important part of a Girls Lacrosse Umpires communication with his or her partner, players, coaches, and spectators.

There are many signals that are available.  For new officials I suggest starting with three basic signals - Direction, Start/Restart Play, Time-out. Once you have these three basics, add three more.  Keep adding.

There are some short-cuts.  Most signals look like what the foul was and/or are consistent with well-known signals from other sports. You will notice that the "Illegal Procedure" signal is the same as in football and is used for about half of the Minor Fouls.

Another important part of Signals is the whistle  New Umpires should get used to blowing the whistle and talking with their whistles.

Finally, be "proud and humble" with your signals. By "Proud" I mean, stand up straight, look up, and make your signals visible. By "Humble" I mean, do not gloat over a signal; but be unemotional.

Here are a series of videos that were originally posted in 2018.








USA Lacrosse 2022 Women's Game Officials Training Manual

USAL Manual 2022
The USA Lacrosse 2022 Women's Game Officials Training Manual is required reading for officials and highly recommended reading for coaches.  The manual is now available using this link: Download 2022 USAL Womens Game Officials Training Manual

USA Lacrosse 2020 Women's Game Officials Training Manual

The USA Lacrosse Women's Game Officials Training Manual is required reading for officials and highly recommended reading for coaches.  While awaiting the release of the 2022 Manual the 2020 Manual may be used.  The document is provided here: Download 2020 USL Officials Training Manual

It is recommended that this large document not be printed, but downloaded to a file on a computer.

Slow Whistle (Flag) Decision Chart

LAX Signal 46 FlagThe decision to use a Slow Whistle (Flag) seems a complex thought process at first, but when experience is added to knowledge, the application of the slow whistle becomes easier and understandable.  Here is a chart to assist the Girls Lacrosse Umpire in applying the Slow Whistle.

Download Slow Whistle Decision Tree

Slow Whistle Decision Chart

2018 Girls Lacrosse Signals for Umpires

LAX Signal 1 Neutral
The following videos present the signals used by umpires to communicate during games.

Signals for Minor Fouls (4 minutes)  

Signals for Major Fouls (4 minutes) 

Signals for Violations (2 and 1/2 minutes) 

Signals for Game Management (2 and 1/2 minutes) 

Signals for Crew Communication (2 minutes)