Attention Kentucky High School girls Lacrosse players!
You are invited to participate in the BEAT THE UMPIRES CHALLENGE.
This challenge is very simple: Every High School girls Lacrosse player in Kentucky is invited to take the 2020 NFHS Girls Lacrosse Test – the same as Umpires have to take every year.
You may take the test as many times as you want. ANY PLAYERS WHO SCORE EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) OR ABOVE WILL HAVE THEIR NAMES PLACED IN A DRAWING FOR FIVE (5) ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR ($100) PRIZES. You may take the test as many times as you need to score 80%.
The test may be taken starting now. The test will close on midnight Louisville/Lexington time on 15 May 2020.
The prizes in the form of a $100 check are being provided by the state girls Lacrosse officials’ association, KENTUCKY LACROSSE UMPIRES BOARD (KLUB).
The test is “open book,” you may use an NFHS rules book if you have one. Rules books in eBook form may be used. With this email you are being provided a pdf copy of the 2020 US Lacrosse Officials Training Manual which is a good substitute for a rules book. In addition, I am providing a list of umpires who have volunteered to be contacted to provide guidance to players taking the test. You may discuss the test with coaches or players.
The drawing for the prizes will take place on 16 May 2020.
You enter the BEAT THE UMPIRES CHALLENGE by simply going online and taking the test.
Here is the link for the test: TAKE THE TEST NOW
At the end of the test there is an opportunity for you to express your interest in becoming a girls Lacrosse umpire next season – either as a high school student or graduate. WE NEED MORE UMPIRES!