The guidance given by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association regarding expectations for the behavior of fans, spectators, and assistant coaches is a very good standard for Girls Lacrosse for the upcoming season. This presentation follows the National Federation of High School's rules for Girls Lacrosse and other sports. It is the standard that we should follow for 2024 - especially since Girls Lacrosse in Kentucky anticipates entering the KHSAA "family" for the 2024 season. It is also appropriate that Girls Lacrosse be consistent with the standards and rules for all sports in the high schools in Kentucky.
Every Girls Lacrosse umpire assigned to High School and Middle School preseason, regular season, and postseason games in Kentucky is required to review the KHSAA presentation by Julian Tacket, the head commissioner of the KHSAA, regarding sportsmanship - specifically contained in slides #14 and #15. This link will be shared with the two commissioners of the leagues in Kentucky - the Commonwealth League and the Kentucky Scholastic Lacrosse League. Viewing these slides will take no more than 5 minutes. Read the rule regarding MISCONDUCT (Rule #12) in the 2024 NFHS Girls Lacrosse Rules Book.
In addition, there is an interesting video that has circulated on FaceBook concerning the high standard officials should be upholding for spectators. This link is found below.
The Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board must start the process toward demanding appropriate behavior from spectators, players, coaches, and bench personnel. This process will start with Umpires insisting on and enforcing appropriate and respectful behavior in accordance with the NFHS rules from ASSISTANT COACHES. Spectators will often mimic the behavior of head and assistant coaches. Strict enforcement of the rules for assistant coaches will have a ripple effect on spectators. Here are some constructive instructions for this season:
- Do not accept any questions or comments from assistant coaches. If you cannot ignore the questions or comments, then card the head coach.
- If an assistant coach is misbehaving, yellow card the head coach. For the second infraction by an assistant coach, red card the head coach. By NFHS rule the only way to remove the misbehaving assistant is to red card the head coach, then both are removed from the game.
- If spectators are misbehaving, stop the game and have the game manager deal with the problem. If the problem persists, have the spectator removed. You may pause the game or stop the game completely if spectators become unruly.
- The NFHS rules for Girls Lacrosse hold the head coach responsible for her or his spectators' behavior. If the problem still persists, card the head coach.
- AFTER THE GAME, the only card that carries any consequences is a red card. If there is any misconduct from spectators, players, or coaches after the game, RED CARD THE PLAYER OR THE HEAD COACH.
- Accept no personal comments about your judgement, abilities, or appearance from any source before, during, and after the game.
- Both leagues follow the KHSAA in having ZERO TOLERANCE FOR RACIAL, OBSCENE, OR DEMEANING LANGUAGE directed toward any game participant - official, player, or coach. If you observe words and identify an individual on the field using inappropriate language, the person should at a minimum receive a yellow card. Such language from the bench need only be heard and a card issued against the head coach.
- Officials should not use racial, obsence, or demeaning language.
- Officials must show appropriate respect to players, spectators, coaches, and their partners on specific games or on games of any sport they are watching. Conversations between officials are not to be shared with ANYONE with the exception of investigations by the rules interpreter of complaints about specific games or conduct.
- Access the 2023 KHSAA slides here.
- 📸 Watch the NFHS video on Facebook CLICK HERE
- Download Training Rule 12 Misconduct PPT
2023 Rules Changes for Girls Lacrosse
Access the 2023 NFHS Girls Lacrosse Officials Examination
USA Lacrosse offers online exams based on rules for NFHS Boys and Girls Rules and USA Lacrosse Boys and Girls Youth Rules. USA Lacrosse member officials may take any or all of these exams. In order to be certified as an official annually with USA Lacrosse, all officials must pass the NFHS Boys and/or Girls Rules Exam with a 90%.
To take the exams:
Login at
Click on "Catalog"
Click on "Officiating Courses"
Click on "Enroll"
Click on "Launch"
Follow this link to the 2022 NFHS Girls Lacrossse Rules Examination. This is the High School test required by the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board.
You will be prompted to log in with your membership to the USA Lacrosse site.
2022 KLUB Rules Interpretation Clinic Video
This video is the recording of the Rules Interpretation Clinic for 2022 conducted via ZOOM on 5 February 2022 by the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board (KLUB). Because of weather considerations the in-person clinic was moved to ZOOM.
The quality of the ZOOM video is not good. It is suggested that the 12 minute NFHS rules interpretation video found on the right sidebar be viewed after viewing the ZOOM video.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the link for FAQs for certain areas of Girls Lacrosse. Please use these resources in conjunction with the rules book and manual since changes have occurred since the FAQs were produced.
- Boundary Ball: Download Boundary FAQs
- Free Movement: Download Free Movement FAQs
- Penalty Zone: Download Penalty Zone FAQs
- Self-Start: Download Self Start FAQS
Here are links for some additional resources to help explain the game of Girls Lacrosse:
- Card Administration: Download Card Administration Tree
- Girls Lacrosse Field: Download LAX Field
- Slow Whistle (Flag): Download Slow Whistle Decision Tree
2022 NFHS Girls Lacrosse Rules Interpretation
The following video and powerpoint is provided as a supplement for the in-person clinic presented by the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board for umpires and coaches. The 2022 Girls Lacrosse Rules and Q&A from LAXCON 2022 is also provided here: Download 2022-Girls-NFHS-Rules-Interp
Attention Kentucky High School girls Lacrosse players!
You are invited to participate in the BEAT THE UMPIRES CHALLENGE.
This challenge is very simple: Every High School girls Lacrosse player in Kentucky is invited to take the 2020 NFHS Girls Lacrosse Test – the same as Umpires have to take every year.
You may take the test as many times as you want. ANY PLAYERS WHO SCORE EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) OR ABOVE WILL HAVE THEIR NAMES PLACED IN A DRAWING FOR FIVE (5) ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR ($100) PRIZES. You may take the test as many times as you need to score 80%.
The test may be taken starting now. The test will close on midnight Louisville/Lexington time on 15 May 2020.
The prizes in the form of a $100 check are being provided by the state girls Lacrosse officials’ association, KENTUCKY LACROSSE UMPIRES BOARD (KLUB).
The test is “open book,” you may use an NFHS rules book if you have one. Rules books in eBook form may be used. With this email you are being provided a pdf copy of the 2020 US Lacrosse Officials Training Manual which is a good substitute for a rules book. In addition, I am providing a list of umpires who have volunteered to be contacted to provide guidance to players taking the test. You may discuss the test with coaches or players.
The drawing for the prizes will take place on 16 May 2020.
You enter the BEAT THE UMPIRES CHALLENGE by simply going online and taking the test.
Here is the link for the test: TAKE THE TEST NOW
At the end of the test there is an opportunity for you to express your interest in becoming a girls Lacrosse umpire next season – either as a high school student or graduate. WE NEED MORE UMPIRES!