New Umpire

2023 Training and Rating Dates Set by KLUB

Here is the schedule.  Returning umpires need only attend the rules interpretation and a breakout session for recertification.  A returning umpire need only to attend a field evaluation (rating event) if his or her rating will lapse before or during the season. Returning officials do not need to attend New Umpire Orientation, though newer officials may find if helpful.
New Umpires must attend a New Umpire Orientation as well as the Rules Interretation Clinic and a Breakout Session.  New Umpires who have already attended a NUO need not attend another.
Saturday, 21 January at Elizabethtown HS
9:00AM New Umpire Orientation
10:00AM Rules Interpretation Clinic (with coaches)
11:30AM Break Out Session for Level 1 and 2 Umpires
Sunday, 29 January at Sacred Heart Academy
12:00NN New Umpire Orientation
1:00PM Rules Interpretation Clinic (with coaches)
2:30PM Break Out Session for Level 1 and 2 Umpires
2:30PM Break Out Session for Level 2 and 3 Umpires
Level 2 Umpires may choose either session based on experience
Saturday, 4 February at Sayre School Main Campus
9:00AM New Umpire Orientation
10:00AM Rules Interpretation Clinic (with coaches)
11:30AM Break Out Session for Level 1 and 2 Umpires
There will be two field evaluation (rating event) opportunities:
Saturday, 25 February at Falling Springs Rec Center in Versailles, KY
For Levels 1 and 2 ratings and any Juniors in the Lexington area
This is a part of the 24-26 February preseason Woodford Jamboree.  I can get raters and ratees paid for games.
Sunday, 26 February at Sacred Heart Academy
For Level 3 ratings and any Juniors in the Louisville area (No Level 1 or 2)
Level 3 ratings require a three person crew on games.  I will not make Louisville Juniors go out of town.


HomerCOACHES! As you know, there are usually barely enough officials to cover the number of games in our leagues in Kentucky.  Additionally, locally and nationally there has been a HUGE decline in the number of available officials and fewer officials seeking to join the "team."  In order to fulfill the basic number of games and to be able to address the needs of tournaments, make-up games and add ons, WE NEED MORE OFFICIALS! Download KY LAX OFFICIALS FLYER
The Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board (KLUB) is working to provide more training opportunities and broaden our reach to seek out new officials. We are contacting various organizations and others to try to grow our list of officials.  
First, we want to challenge each team to submit 2 names to go through NEW OFFICIALS ORIENTATION/TRAINING.  THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE TEAM PROVIDING THE MOST PROSPECTS.
Here is the New Officials Checklist that you are welcome to share with people and to help get new officials started.  Download NEW OFFICIALS CHECKLIST 2023. While current players may be helpful at the MS game, we are really looking to grow the potential HS Officials. 
So, who is a good candidate to officiate HS GIRLS LACROSSE? 
  • Graduated Former HS Girls Lacrosse players - college or post college students who no longer play for a local team
  • Parents of graduates or current players 
  • Teachers at your affiliated schools
  • AD Contacts - Do your ADs know officials in other sports or other sports parents who may be interested?
  • Other sports league officials - church league officials, non-school affiliated players/parents/officials for other sports, collegiate intramural players/coaches?
Please send your list of prospects (name, phone and email) and any info you can provide about each person to John Slider.  We will evaluate the number of names/people who attended training for each school. A prize will be given at the Rules Interpretation meeting in January or February to the team who has the most prospective HS officials who completed the NEW OFFICIALS ORIENTATION.    We welcome current HS players to go through the training, but recognize that they have game and school constraints that may limit their availability during the spring season.
Please evaluate your coaching style, behavior, language and tone during games and communications with officials before and after games.  NFHS and NASO (National Association of Sports Officials) have released several studies and articles regarding the rapid decrease in the number of officials. (Download Officials Retention Survey) One of the biggest reasons officials leave the sport or don't continue to higher levels is because of the team bench and spectator behavior. This is a BIG reminder for all coaches to evaluate their own behavior as well as the behavior of their bench personnel and parents.  Officials understand that occasionally people get emotional, but personal attacks, repeated situations of questioning of calls and hostile tone, criticism, or harassment will make officials NOT come back to your field or games.  Officials have a right to DECLINE any games they are assigned and THEY ARE DECLINING games due to the behavior of Kentucky coaches and spectators. Please hold each other and yourself accountable.  Our officials put in a lot of time training and preparing for your season.  But, just like you and your players, people are not always perfect and each game is a learning process for everyone involved.  Be respectful of the officials' time and effort.  Please feel free to reach out to John Slider if you would like some assistance on appropriate communications with officials.

2022 KLUB Rules Interpretation Clinic Video

Rules Inerp Clinic
This video is the recording of the Rules Interpretation Clinic for 2022 conducted via ZOOM on 5 February 2022 by the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board (KLUB). Because of weather considerations the in-person clinic was moved to ZOOM.

The quality of the ZOOM video is not good.  It is suggested that the 12 minute NFHS rules interpretation video found on the right sidebar be viewed after viewing the ZOOM video.

2022 NFHS Girls Lacrosse Rules Interpretation

The following video and powerpoint is provided as a supplement for the in-person clinic presented by the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board for umpires and coaches.  The 2022 Girls Lacrosse Rules and Q&A from LAXCON 2022 is also provided here:  Download 2022-Girls-NFHS-Rules-Interp


The Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board has set training dates for umpires to be certified in accordance with USA Lacrosse requirements.  The requirements and training dates are listed below and are not necessarily in order.  All requirements must be met before certification and assignment to games through KLUB.

  • Join or renew membership with USA Lacrosse (New Umpires inform the USAL State Liaison at [email protected]
  • Receive the 2022 USAL Officials Training Manual from the USAL State Liaison
  • Join or renew membership with Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board
  • New Umpires attend one of the two New Umpires Orientation Sessions by ZOOM at 7pm on either Tuesday, 25 January, or Wednesday, 26 January
  • All Umpires and Head Coaches attend one of the two in-person Rules Interpretation Clinics in Louisville at Sacred Heart Academy at 12:00 noon on Sunday, 30 January; or in Lexington at the Sayre School (main campus) at 10:00am on Saturday, 5 February.
  • New Umpires and returning Umpires obtain a Rating at the Field Evaluation Event in Louisville at Sacred Heart Academy following the Rules Interpretation Clinic on Sunday, 30 January. A second opportunity to obtain a Rating will be available as needed on Saturday, 26 February, during the Woodford County Jamboree.
  • Pass the NFHS/USAL rules test


  1. NCAA College Umpires holding at least a Transitional certification are automatically rated Level 3.
  2. No Umpire shall be assigned to games through the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board unless that Umpire holds a USAL certification.
  3. New Umpires report joining USAL with membership number to the USAL State Liaison at [email protected]

New Umpire Training for the 2021 Season

LAX Signal 1x8 Neutral
The leadership of the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board (KLUB) has determined that the required training for all umpires – new and returning – will be completed online.

The US Lacrosse Convention (LAXCON) will be entirely online and will offer all the classroom instruction required for your first-year training. Online attendance of LAXCON, therefore, will be mandatory, and will be the only training available for persons wanting to umpire in 2021.

LAXCON will be “live” online beginning January 15-16, but all online webinars will be available “on demand.” You may view the webinars at home on your own schedule. USL will be able to provide lists of those who have watched online.

In addition, KLUB will register you for LAXCON and pay your registration fee.

You must be a member of US Lacrosse for KLUB to register you and for you to attend LAXCON.  You will need to join US Lacrosse on your own and send your USL membership number to the training coordinator, Chris Niblock ([email protected]), not later than 28 December 2020.  

All Umpires will be hearing further from KLUB leadership regarding the pre-season training.  KLUB understands that this is an unprecedented time and the waiving of KLUB dues and subsidizing of the USL LAXCON fees shows the commitment of KLUB leadership to help to become a Girls Lacrosse Umpire.

If you need help joining US Lacrosse, please contact the state coordinator, John Slider (502.548.9712; 502.231.8118; [email protected]).

Resources Used in 2020 New Umpires Orientation

Billing LogoDownload the US Lacrosse And Arbiter PowerPoint presentations (with instructor notes) and video used in the KLUB New Umpires Orientation on 18/19 January 2020:

2020 Rules Interpretation Video:

Interested in Becoming Girls Lacrosse Umpire?

KSLL Final
Officiating is a great way to stay actively involved in the game and enjoy great camaraderie.  It is also ideal for persons who have not played Lacrosse, but who want to be involved with the development of young persons through a growing sport.  The officiating community is the “third team” on the field and through officiating you can develop friendships and connections with others committed to the game.

For more information go to "Become an Official: at the US Lacrosse site: CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION

You may complete a brief form that will go directly to the State Coordinator for Officials Development, who will in turn contact you and pass your interest on to the recruiting coordinator for state's local officials organization: CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE THE BRIEF FORM

We look forward to YOU becoming a part of the "Third Team on the Field."

Requirements for New Umpires

US Lacrosse LogoWhat are the basic requirements needed before a new umpire is USL certified and works a game?

  • Classroom Training: Learn the rules, mechanics, penalty administration, positioning, etc
  • Online Course: Rules Online Course is Mandatory (one time)
  • Annual Rules Exams: NFHS High School and USL Youth exams
  • On Field Training and Evaluation (Rating) - MUST include participants officiating live games

The USL certification process provides the necessary minimum preparation for working games as well as appropriate liability and injury insurance.

For more information contact the KLUB Recruiting Coordinator or the Officials Development Coordinator, John Slider.