
Quick Shots

Dick's Sporting Goods posted on YouTube some helpful instructional videos for Girls Lacrosse.  The videos are intended to help coaches teach the game and to help players learn the game. 

The videos also will help Girls Lacrosse umpires to see certain aspects of the game at the field level - where umpires see the game.

There are some tweaks that could improve the videos for umpires, so take them only as a quick basis for seeing the game as an umpire. Not all videos are up-to-date.

Signals 2025

Signals are an important part of a Girls Lacrosse Umpires communication with his or her partner, players, coaches, and spectators.

There are many signals that are available.  For new officials I suggest starting with three basic signals - Direction, Start/Restart Play, Time-out. Once you have these three basics, add three more.  Keep adding.

There are some short-cuts.  Most signals look like what the foul was and/or are consistent with well-known signals from other sports. You will notice that the "Illegal Procedure" signal is the same as in football and is used for about half of the Minor Fouls.

Another important part of Signals is the whistle  New Umpires should get used to blowing the whistle and talking with their whistles.

Finally, be "proud and humble" with your signals. By "Proud" I mean, stand up straight, look up, and make your signals visible. By "Humble" I mean, do not gloat over a signal; but be unemotional.

Here are a series of videos that were originally posted in 2018.








NFHS/USAL Rule 13: Excerpt from "Girls Lacrosse for Beginners 2025"

Rule 13 Definition of Terms

13Rule 13 is actually not a rule.  It is a helpful glossary of terms to assist in understanding the rules. Here is a selection of terms:

  • 8 METER ARC – An area formed at both goals that begins at the Goal Circle and extends 8 meters beyond and in front of the Goal Circle.
  • 12 METER FAN – A semi-circle formed at both goals, touching the GLE and extending 12 meters from the Goal Circle. The 12 Meter Fan forms the Critical Score Area above the Goal Line Extended.
  • BLOCKING – Moving into the path of a player with the ball without giving that player a chance to stop or change direction causing contact.
  • CHARGING – A player with the ball pushes into, shoulders, or backs into and makes bodily contact with an opponent who has already established position (though not necessarily stationary).
  • CHECKING – An attempt to dislodge the ball from an opponent’s crosse by using controlled crosse-to-crosse contact.
  • CRITICAL SCORING AREA (CSA) – An area formed by the 12 Meter Fan above the Goal Line Extended (GLE) and continuing below the GLE to the endline.
  • CROSS[E]-CHECK – Using the shaft of the crosse to hit, push, or displace an opponent.
  • DANGEROUS PLAY – Any action that is rough, threatening, and/or are without regard to player safety.
  • DEPUTY – A player on the defensive goalkeeper’s team who may only enter or remain in the goal circle when the deputy’s team is in possession of the ball and the goalkeeper is out of the goal circle.
  • FLAG – Recognition and advantage of a Major Foul committed by the defense in the CSA while the attack is on a scoring play.
  • GOAL LINE EXTENDED (GLE) – The imaginary extension of the Goal Line that is located between both posts of a Goal. The GLE divides the CSA into areas “Above the GLE” (in front of the Goal) and “Below the GLE” (behind the Goal).
  • HASH MARKS – Marks for penalty administration on the 8 Meter Arc. The “Hanging Hash Mark” is the mark located outside the Arc and along the edge of the “Pie.”
  • HELD WHISTLE - Refraining from enforcing a rule when a player is fouled but maintains quality possession; and calling a foul would disadvantage the non-offending team.
  • LOWER SIDE OF CROSSE – The wooden part on the head of a wooden crosse or the right side on a plastic crosse as one looks at the crosse with the pocket open to the viewer.
  • PENALTY ZONE – The area formed by the 8 Meter Arc, the marks 8 meters away from the goal circle on the GLE, and the area formed by the dots below the GLE. 
  • PICK – A technique in which a player without the ball, whose positioning, forces the opponent to take another route. To be legal it must be set within the visual field of the opponent allowing enough time and space to stop or change direction. A legal pick may be moving or stationery. 
  • “PIE” – An unofficial reference to the pie-shaped area formed by the arms of the 8 Meter Arc, the “Hanging Hash Mark,” and the GLE.
  • PLAYED – An action whereby the ball leaves the player’s crosse and is touched by another player, or crosse is checked crosse-to-crosse by an opposing player, or play is stopped due to a foul by an opponent. The ball does not have to be successfully dislodged from the crosse.
  • PLAYING DISTANCE – The length of a stick and a half. 
  • SCORING PLAY – A continuous effort by the attacking team to move the ball toward the goal and to complete a shot on goal. 
  • SLASH – A reckless, dangerous, or uncontrolled swing of the crosse at an opponent’s crosse or body whether or not the opponent’s crosse or body is struck.
  • SPHERE – An imaginary area of 7 inches (average crosse width) surrounding a player’s head and excluding hair whether or not a helmet is worn.


NFHS/USAL Rule 12: Excerpt from "Girls Lacrosse for Beginners 2025"

Rule 12 Misconduct

 Here is what Rule 12 lists as Misconduct:

  • Excessive, rough, or unsportsmanlike play
  • Persistent or flagrant violation of rules
  • Deliberately endangering safety
  • Baiting or taunting to embarrass, ridicule, or demean
  • Non-playing team member leaving bench area
  • Coach leaving coaching area
  • Illegal re-entry
  • Repeated or persistent major fouls
  • Coaching outside the coaching area
  • Non-playing team member leaving the bench area
  • Improper use of electronic equipment
  • Any behavior in the officials’ opinion that is misconduct

KHSAA Logo 2The guidance given by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association regarding expectations for the behavior of fans, spectators, and assistant coaches is an excellent standard.  This guidance follows the National Federation of High School's rules for Girls Lacrosse and other sports.  It is the standard that should be followed in Kentucky High Schools.

Every Girls Lacrosse Umpire who works preseason, regular season, and postseason High School games is required to view the KHSAA online presentation that includes information on sportsmanship. Umpires, coaches, and Directors of Athletics must read the rule regarding MISCONDUCT (Rule #12) in the NFHS Girls Lacrosse Rules Book.

KLUBThe Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board must start the process toward demanding appropriate behavior from spectators, players, coaches, and bench personnel.  This process will start with Umpires insisting on and enforcing appropriate and respectful behavior in accordance with the NFHS rules from ASSISTANT COACHES.  Spectators will often mimic the behavior of head and assistant coaches.  Strict enforcement of the rules for assistant coaches will have a ripple effect on spectators.  Here are some constructive instructions for Umpires:

  • Do not accept any questions or comments from assistant coaches.  If you cannot ignore the questions or comments, then card the head coach.
  • If an assistant coach misbehaves, yellow card the head coach.  For the second infraction by an assistant coach, red card the head coach.  By NFHS rule the only way to remove the misbehaving assistant is to red card the head coach, then both are removed from the game.
  • If spectators are misbehaving, stop the game, and have the game manager deal with the problem.  If the problem persists, have the spectator removed.  You may pause the game or stop the game completely if spectators become unruly.
  • The NFHS rules for Girls Lacrosse hold the head coach responsible for her or his spectators' behavior.  If the problem still persists, card the head coach.
  • AFTER THE GAME, the only card that carries any consequences is a red card.  If there is any misconduct from spectators, players, or coaches after the game, RED CARD THE PLAYER OR THE HEAD COACH.
  • Accept no personal comments about your judgement, abilities, or appearance from any source before, during, and after the game.
  • Umpires follow the KHSAA in having ZERO TOLERANCE FOR RACIAL, OBSCENE, OR DEMEANING LANGUAGE directed toward any game participant - official, player, or coach.  If you observe words and identify an individual on the field using inappropriate language, the person should at a minimum receive a yellow card.  Such language from the bench need only be heard and a card issued against the head coach.
  • Officials should not use racial, obscene, or demeaning language.
  • Officials must show appropriate respect to players, spectators, coaches, and their partners on specific games or on games of any sport they are watching. Conversations between officials are not to be shared with ANYONE with the exception of investigations by the rule’s interpreter of complaints about specific games or conduct.

Mature adults know what respectful behavior is.  Spectators are expected to be a part of creating a healthy, safe, and respectful environment for everyone at the game.

Umpires are more likely to ignore poor behavior and words directed at them; and are more active in stopping behavior and words that are directed at players, coaches, and other game personnel.

Umpires realize that most of the complaints about a call come from a lack of knowledge of the rules.  Any obscene, racial, or derogatory comment or action or anything that encourages dangerous play is considered misconduct by a spectator.

There is an appropriate protocol in the rules for managing spectator misconduct.  Spectator misconduct can result in the removal of the spectator or the carding of the head coach.  Head coaches are held responsible for the behavior of their spectators.

The Umpires’ responsibilities and authority does not end with the whistle. Rather, it ends when the Umpire leaves the site. Abuse of the Umpire after the game can result in a red card on the head coach, which would remove the head coach and spectator from the following game.

PoliceThe state of Kentucky and most other states provide legal protection for sports officials.  In Kentucky, assault on a sports official in the performance of his/her duties is a Class A Misdemeanor. If four or more persons are involved in the assault or it is a repeat offender, then it is considered a Class D Felony (KRS 518.090). A Class A Misdemeanor carries a maximum of twelve months imprisonment (KRS 532.090) and a maximum of $500.00 fine (KRS 534.040).



NFHS/USAL Rule 11: Excerpt from "Girls Lacrosse for Beginners 2025"

Rule 11 Flag

FlagThe Flag is a held whistle that is used for Major Fouls committed by the defense in the CSA when the attacking team is on a scoring play.  The flag allows for the attacking team to complete its scoring play.

A scoring play is a continuous effort to score.  The scoring play is considered ended when:

  • A shot is taken
  • The attacking team loses possession of the ball
  • The attacking team takes the ball below the GLE
  • The attacking team stops the continuous attempt to score
  • The attacking team fouls

If a shot is taken, the Flag is lowered.  If the scoring play ends by the attacking team losing the ball, taking the ball below the GLE, or stopping the continuous attempt to score, then the whistle is blown and the penalty is administered.  If the attacking team fouls, that is considered an off-setting foul.  If the defending team fouls a second time, the most recent foul is administered. The rule-of-thumb is that once the flag is up, there is either a whistle or a shot.