

The Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board has set training dates for umpires to be certified in accordance with USA Lacrosse requirements.  The requirements and training dates are listed below and are not necessarily in order.  All requirements must be met before certification and assignment to games through KLUB.

  • Join or renew membership with USA Lacrosse (New Umpires inform the USAL State Liaison at [email protected]
  • Receive the 2022 USAL Officials Training Manual from the USAL State Liaison
  • Join or renew membership with Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board
  • New Umpires attend one of the two New Umpires Orientation Sessions by ZOOM at 7pm on either Tuesday, 25 January, or Wednesday, 26 January
  • All Umpires and Head Coaches attend one of the two in-person Rules Interpretation Clinics in Louisville at Sacred Heart Academy at 12:00 noon on Sunday, 30 January; or in Lexington at the Sayre School (main campus) at 10:00am on Saturday, 5 February.
  • New Umpires and returning Umpires obtain a Rating at the Field Evaluation Event in Louisville at Sacred Heart Academy following the Rules Interpretation Clinic on Sunday, 30 January. A second opportunity to obtain a Rating will be available as needed on Saturday, 26 February, during the Woodford County Jamboree.
  • Pass the NFHS/USAL rules test


  1. NCAA College Umpires holding at least a Transitional certification are automatically rated Level 3.
  2. No Umpire shall be assigned to games through the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board unless that Umpire holds a USAL certification.
  3. New Umpires report joining USAL with membership number to the USAL State Liaison at [email protected]

Kentucky Umpire Joins US Lacrosse Women's Officials Education Development Team

John Wesley Slider (1)Kentucky Women's Umpire, John Slider, has been invited to participate in the US Lacrosse Women's Officials Education Development Team.  The team involves US Lacrosse Officials Development staff members, Charlie Obermayer (Senior Manager, Officials Development), Liz Brush (Manager of Officials Development Operations), and Jenn Larkin (Manager of Officials Development Content and Curriculum).  The team functions as a part of the Content and Curriculum area.

The eight-member team is chaired by Coleen Spiegelhoff.

The team will be working with all aspects of the curriculum for education of women's umpires.

The team is divided into ten working groups of two to four persons with each member of the team on multiple groups.  John will be involved in three working groups that will focus on revising the Certified Observers On-Line Course; revising the Certified Observers Webinar; and updating the Officials Training Manual for 2020.

John will continue to serve as the Women's Game, Kentucky Coordinator, Officials Development, US Lacrosse.

Requirements for New Umpires

US Lacrosse LogoWhat are the basic requirements needed before a new umpire is USL certified and works a game?

  • Classroom Training: Learn the rules, mechanics, penalty administration, positioning, etc
  • Online Course: Rules Online Course is Mandatory (one time)
  • Annual Rules Exams: NFHS High School and USL Youth exams
  • On Field Training and Evaluation (Rating) - MUST include participants officiating live games

The USL certification process provides the necessary minimum preparation for working games as well as appropriate liability and injury insurance.

For more information contact the KLUB Recruiting Coordinator or the Officials Development Coordinator, John Slider.

Free Voluntary Background Checks Offered to US Lacrosse Umpires

KSLL Final
Beginning on August 5th, US Lacrosse will be providing adult officials, as members of US Lacrosse, an option to voluntarily complete a background check through NCSI. The background check is provided at no cost to the member.

Currently, KLUB does not require a background check for its members, but USL is moving toward requiring USL certified or registered umpires to complete this check.

This offer is a great opportunity for individuals to get ahead of the trend and to save anywhere from $20 to $75 (depending on a person’s state of residence).

Currenlty USL is exploring the feasibility of making background checks a mandatory requirement for officials.  It is already a requirement for coaches and for umpires who seek certification as trainers, observers/raters, or assigners).

For more information on the background check policy please go to:

You may also contact the Coordinator for Officials Development, John Slider, with questions or comments you may have.

USL Officials Development

Resources for Umpires

John SliderHere are several resources for 2019 for the Women's Lacrosse Game:

The USL Youth Rules Test and the NFHS Rules Test is now online.  Please read the instructions. Directions for accessing tests:

  1. Go to ArbiterSports
  2. Log In
  3. Click on US Lacrosse Central Hub.  This will take you to ...
  4. US Lacrosse Officials (or you may start here)
  5. Scroll down and click on the button "Officials Development Program"
  6. Scroll down and click on the button "Take a Test"
  7. At this point, you will need to sign on (User Name and Password)
  8. Click on "Catalog"
  9. Click on "Officials"
  10. Click on "Annual Rules Exam"
  11. Make certain that you take the two girls exams

There may be an easier path, but this is how I find it!


Learn About the Officials National Structure for US Lacrosse

US Lacrosse LogoOfficials National Structure

The US Lacrosse Officiating National Structure is a multilayered structure that equips US Lacrosse to serve, lead and assist in the overall growth and development of the officiating communities across the country serving the sport and its athletes. The purpose of this structure is to deliver timely and relevant officials development communications, education, certification, programs, leadership and support that enhances the experience of US Lacrosse member officials and the constituents they serve throughout the country.

CONTACT YOUR STATE COORDINATOR for information about individual and association development opportunities