
New Umpire Training for the 2021 Season

LAX Signal 1x8 Neutral
The leadership of the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board (KLUB) has determined that the required training for all umpires – new and returning – will be completed online.

The US Lacrosse Convention (LAXCON) will be entirely online and will offer all the classroom instruction required for your first-year training. Online attendance of LAXCON, therefore, will be mandatory, and will be the only training available for persons wanting to umpire in 2021.

LAXCON will be “live” online beginning January 15-16, but all online webinars will be available “on demand.” You may view the webinars at home on your own schedule. USL will be able to provide lists of those who have watched online.

In addition, KLUB will register you for LAXCON and pay your registration fee.

You must be a member of US Lacrosse for KLUB to register you and for you to attend LAXCON.  You will need to join US Lacrosse on your own and send your USL membership number to the training coordinator, Chris Niblock ([email protected]), not later than 28 December 2020.  

All Umpires will be hearing further from KLUB leadership regarding the pre-season training.  KLUB understands that this is an unprecedented time and the waiving of KLUB dues and subsidizing of the USL LAXCON fees shows the commitment of KLUB leadership to help to become a Girls Lacrosse Umpire.

If you need help joining US Lacrosse, please contact the state coordinator, John Slider (502.548.9712; 502.231.8118; [email protected]).


LAX Signal 1x8 NeutralAs we prepare for next year, the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board needs to know if individual officials are returning for the 2021 season.  KLUB respects whatever decision individual umpires make during these times.  
Here is important training information for persons who will return to officiate:
  • KLUB dues will not be collected for the 2021 season.
  •  ALL training, except for on-field ratings, will be done online.  US Lacrosse’s Convention will be entirely online in 2021.  The USL Convention (LAXCON) will be mandatory training and will be the only training available for those wanting to umpire in 2021.  Your US Lacrosse membership must be current in order to attend/register for LAXCON.  You may register on your own for $45 or KLUB will register you as part of a group and pay your registration fee ($35). If you wish to be a part of the KLUB group and NOT pay the registration fee, please insure that your USL membership is current and send your USL membership number to the training coordinator, Chris Niblock, not later that 28 December 2020.  Once the sessions have been firmed up KLUB leadership will get back with everyone as to what sessions will be mandatory.  USL will be able to provide lists of those who have watched online.
  • There will not be a 2021 NFHS Girl’s lacrosse rulebook as last year’s will be used.  There will, however, be a new test.

For now, individual umpires must communicate to Chris Niblock ([email protected]) regarding intentions for the 2021 season.

All Umpires will be hearing further from leadership regarding the pre-season training.  KLUB understands that this is an unprecedented time and the waiving of the yearly fee ($55 for returning umpires) and the subsidizing of the USL LaxCon fees shows the commitment the Board has taken to helping everyone out and ensuring we are all prepared for whatever 2021 brings.

2020 US Lacrosse Training Videos

2020 NFHS Girls' Rules Interpretation Video

NFHS Girls' Rules Changes Webinar - 2020

2020 Youth Girls’ Rules Interpretations

Girls’ & Women’s Headgear Info

US Lacrosse Stick Check Video

A Closer Look at Shooting Space

Legal and Illegal Contact

Game Management Webinar

Preparing for Playoffs - Three Person System Review

Murphy's Laws for Sports Officials

2020 Umpire Training Dates Set

KSLL Final
Training and Rating dates have been set for 2020 for the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board: 

18-Jan Saturday   New Umpire - Louisville  
19-Jan Sunday 9:00 - 12:00 New Umpire - Lexington Sayre
25-Jan Saturday 9:00 - 1:00 All Umpire Rules - Lexington Georgetown
26-Jan Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 All Umpire Rules - Louisville SHA
15-Feb Saturday 9:00 - 1:00 All Umpire Rules and Business Georgetown
22-Feb Saturday   Rating Louisville - L1+ ???
22-Feb Saturday 9:00 - 3:00 Rating Lexington - All Georgetown
29-Feb Saturday   Rating Louisville - New ???

Kentucky Umpire Joins US Lacrosse Women's Officials Education Development Team

John Wesley Slider (1)Kentucky Women's Umpire, John Slider, has been invited to participate in the US Lacrosse Women's Officials Education Development Team.  The team involves US Lacrosse Officials Development staff members, Charlie Obermayer (Senior Manager, Officials Development), Liz Brush (Manager of Officials Development Operations), and Jenn Larkin (Manager of Officials Development Content and Curriculum).  The team functions as a part of the Content and Curriculum area.

The eight-member team is chaired by Coleen Spiegelhoff.

The team will be working with all aspects of the curriculum for education of women's umpires.

The team is divided into ten working groups of two to four persons with each member of the team on multiple groups.  John will be involved in three working groups that will focus on revising the Certified Observers On-Line Course; revising the Certified Observers Webinar; and updating the Officials Training Manual for 2020.

John will continue to serve as the Women's Game, Kentucky Coordinator, Officials Development, US Lacrosse.

Tentative Umpire Training Dates for the 2020 Season Are Set by the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board

US Lacrosse LogoThe Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board (KLUB) has set the tentative umpire training dates for the upcoming 2020 outdoor season.  With the rule changes that will become official after the US Lacrosse Conference in January 2020, training will very important.

Please notice that the dates are tentative at this time.

The training schedule reflects KLUB adherence to the US Lacrosse requirements for training.

  • 18 and 19 January 2020 - New Umpire Training.  This session is usually 3-4 hours. The two dates reflect two options in Louisville and Lexington.  Only one session is required.
  • 25 January 2020 - All Umpire Training (Lexington).
  • 1 February 2020 - All Umpire Training (Louisville).  All Umpires should be attend either the Lexington or Louisville session.
  • 15 February 2020 - All Umpire KLUB rules interpretation clinic and business meeting.  This session will be held at a site between Louisville and Lexington.
  • 22 February 2020 - Training and Rating Day (Louisville) with High School teams for returning Level 1 and above.
  • 29 February 2020 - Training and Rating Day (Louisville) with Middle School teams for new umpires.
  • TBA - Training and Rating Day (Lexington)

Renewal dates are:

  • US Lacrosse Membership - renew by 1 October 2019.  If you are working games in the off season, your USL membership provides both injury and liability insurance.  If your membership has lapsed, so has your insurance.
  • KLUB Membership - renew by 29 February 2020.  Assignors do not assign persons to games who do not have current USL and KLUB membership.
  • It is recommended that New Umpires join USL prior to orientation and clinics.  USL membership provides rule books and access to tests.
  • Access to Arbiter is at no cost to umpires.  New Umpires will need to be invited to join both Arbiter accounts by the assignors.

Dates for tests are set by USL.  Two tests are required for assignment to games by KLUB:

  • NFHS High School test
  • USL Youth test

KSLL Final

A Comprehensive Training Process Designed to Produce Consistency for Girls' Lacrosse Umpires

LAX Signal 1 NeutralConsistency in officiating is a primary "demand" in all sports.  Sports officials should strive to be consistent for the sake of coaches, players, and spectators.

SliderLAX has produced a comprehensive training process designed to produce a consistent "product" on the field by Girls' Lacrosse Umpires.

The promotional video is available below.  Manuals, Powerpoint Presentations, and Videos are available on this website. 

Intermediate Umpire Training

Intermediate Umpire Manual (Cover)After the New Umpire Training package, the next step is what could be called training for Intermediate Umpires.  An Intermediate Umpire is defined here as a Girls Lacrosse Umpire who has had an initial (first year) rating and is in at least his or her second year.  These Umpires are seeking either a Level 1 or Level 2 rating.

This Intermediate Umpire Training Manual is based on the Level 1-2 Rating Form from US Lacrosse:

Download Intermediate Umpire Manual

Download Level-1-2-Rating-form

Download Girls’ Lacrosse Intermediate Umpire Training Part 1

Download Girls’ Lacrosse Intermediate Umpire Training Part 2


A Resource for Girls' Lacrosse Spectators

Spectator OrientationIf you are a spectator of Girls' Lacrosse and do not understand the game, there is a resource for you - Girls' Lacrosse Spectator Orientation.  This brief Manual and Powerpoint Presentation are designed for short in-person Parent/Player clinics or for reading on your own.  The Video based on the Powerpoint Presentation is found below on this post.

Easy-Carry Spectator BookletAnother resource is the Easy Carry Girls' Lacrosse Spectator Booklet.

The Manual may be ordered or previewed at by following this LINK.  The booklet may be ordered or previewed at by following this LINK.  

You may also download the file in pdf format:

You may find that ordering the Manual and Booklet through is less expensive and provides a better presentation.  You will receive the eBook Kindle format free.

Girls' Lacrosse Spectator Orientation Video:  

New Umpire Training Module - Two Person Crew

13094-sprinting-girl-lacrosse-player-stickerAt the 2018 All-Umpires Training Clinic for the Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board I was assigned to teach the Two Person Crew module to first and second year Umpires.  US Lacrosse provided a good PowerPoint Presentation and script as a resource for teaching this module.  I "tweaked" the PowerPoint Presentation, added a narration, and saved it as a video which has been posted on YouTube for future reference.